I have a story to tell, but the thing is… sometimes you get to a point that you can’t tell a full story because it belongs to someone else. Sometimes your children grow past the baby and toddler stage, and become these kids with identities, and friends, and privacy, and…
Mental Health Permission Slip
Seeking out mental health support has a lot of shame surrounding it. Somehow we’ve built up a culture that says asking for help says you’re weak, or if you do seek help, then you’d better be quiet about it. Make sure it’s a quick fix; get in, get out, and make…
You Are the Good Mom
Today I was a good mom. If you had been at the store mid-morning, you would’ve seen a little blonde duo winding their way through the aisles – mom pushing the cart and a toddler gripping the side merrily. Then there was the downfall… Too long at the…
Don’t Burn Your Puzzle
As a mother of three young children, jigsaw puzzles are one of my top picks for toys I want to set on fire in frustration. Too often have multiple boxes been scattered across the carpet by little hands, only for it to become mom’s job to coordinate the clean up and…