BvB Battle Update 1: The Peekaboo Belly
FINALLY, an update on the Brother vs. Belly Battle. Yes, it has been a bit of a wait (especially since I’m approaching the half-way mark), but I promise I could give you a whole long list of glorious excuses as to why I haven’t posted until now. But I’ll skip…

Super Halloween 2013!
Remember my big, elaborate costume for Quincy last year, inspired by one of the H-G’s favorite shows, Top Gear UK? If you missed it, check out Part I, Part II, and Part III of the Top Gear Appreciation posts plus the Behind the Seams look at the Baby Stig. Now,…

Maggie Crack
There is a time and a place for healthy foods, moderate portions, and balanced nutrition, but this is not one of those times. I’m addicted. I can’t help it. There’s something about chocolate, crunchy and chewy textures, plus a dusting of sugar that makes me weak at the knees. …

Spirit Scarves
Maybe its road tripping with the family for my cousin’s graduation open house earlier this summer, or because my best friend graduated with her doctorate this Spring, or that we couldn’t help chanting USA-USA-USA for the World Cup, but I’ve been finding myself a bit nostalgic during this time of…

The Rules
Everyone knows there are obvious rules in society – Say Please and Thank You, Share Your Toys, and Whoever Smelt It Dealt It – but as a parent I’ve found there are other rules that pop up after oddly specific occurrences. These are rules created so that you (hopefully) can start…

An Introverted Birthday, Please.
What’s your letter combo? What’s your number? Which Disney Princess are you? There are oodles of personality tests and quizzes out there, and I’ve been known to fill out surveys and questions to determine where I fall. If you’re familiar with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (designed by two women, by…