When pregnant with your second child, there’s always the debate of whether or not to do belly pictures. The side by side comparisons are fun, and it’s good to keep up traditions for each of your kids, but it’s hard to find the time (and motivation) to do a weekly…
BvB Battle Update 1: The Peekaboo Belly
FINALLY, an update on the Brother vs. Belly Battle. Yes, it has been a bit of a wait (especially since I’m approaching the half-way mark), but I promise I could give you a whole long list of glorious excuses as to why I haven’t posted until now. But I’ll skip…
BvB Battle Update 2: The Third Trimester
Uhhhhhh…. so it’s been a little while since the previous Brother vs. Belly Battle Update, and I’ve gone from a Peekaboo Belly to a Big Ol’ Belly. In the many weeks that came before this latest round of BvB photos, we were delighted to find out that Baby HG2…
BvB Battle Update 3: Four Week Countdown
We’ve hit it, guys. The Birth Month. Midnight has struck and this late night post marks thirty-six weeks, meaning four weeks left. August 31st is just around the corner, though theoretically Baby HG2 could decide to hang on a bit longer into September. We shall see. Photos for the…
BvB Battle Final: Second Child Syndrome
I am the second child. Brad is the second child. We are in fact both middle children (hence our total awesomeness – Middle Children RULE!), but with this awesome sibling order designation comes a few guarantees: Your baby book may only have a few pages filled out, compared to the…