Oh Motherhood, blah blah blah, and joy ooey gluey goooo because all the blessings bibbity bobbity bull…..loney.
Hey, I’m Maggie. I am living the stereotyped dream of staying home with my kids and blogging about how perfect and glorious life is.
Life is messy. Motherhood involves a lot of other people’s feces (literal and otherwise). It may also include crying or stress eating or crochet therapy or actual therapy or whichever you-do-you-boo situation that fits you best.

You’ll like my blog if you like a writer who is real, and not afraid to be vulnerable, and tries to be an optimist in this good yet chaotic life.
You’ll fit in just fine here if you feel better listening to melancholy music, or want an authentic voice to parenthood, or if yarn can sometimes be the answer to what plagues you.
I like the messy houses, and uncleaned coffee pots, and toys I just stepped on as I cross your floor, because you are authentic with me.
We’re done with the fake around here. We’re all about authentic.

Some of my coping skills include: baked goods, nuked coffee, crocheting with fury, texting up my girlfriends to have Hail Mary Girls’ Nights at my local joint for a glass of red and being the awkward girls at the bar with bags of yarn, or furiously texting my best friend in angst wondering if I’m doing it all right or if I’m doing it all crazy.
But if your coping skills feel more like blinding skills to what real life is, talk to someone. I do. It’s magical. It’s cathartic. It’s perfectly okay to not always be okay.
I hope that you stumbled across this random mom-blog and decide to stay. I don’t have a platform. I’m not overly clever or overly crafty or overly put together. But I hope you seek solace in my mess and my honesty and my Welcome to The Club Because We’re Keeping You kind of vibe.
We’re real here.

So if you like to play with yarn, check out some projects. If you’ve miscarried and don’t want to feel alone about it, I encourage you to read this post I wrote with seven other friends who went through it, too. If you’re curious about (refugee) fostering, check out our adventures in being human. If you are a mom or a dad or a parent or a surrogate or just want to shine on the next generation, I’ve got some of that too. But don’t let me fool you. I’m trying not to fake you or lure you into quality photos and snarky commentary. I’m human. I’m here sometimes. But I hope you can hear more of your voice in these pages. Shouldn’t that be the point of reading and writing and blogging? Letting your readers discover more of themselves in the word’s of others?
What do ya say?? Wanna be part of it? Don’t worry; my idealized writer brain can’t keep up with the halting reality of not having a clone to write all my “brilliant” ideas out on these electronic pages. Here’s a quick spot to throw your email to subscribe…
But heck, maybe you’ll like what you occasionally read when I do find the time to tap out some posts.
Thanks for joining. And I actually mean that.
~Maggie (that chick that signs stuff as “~M” because I thought it was cool and lazy and now I just always do it).