ALI WREN: Writer. Authentic. Healthy-Minded Foodie.
Meet my friend Ali. We went to school together way way waaaaay back, and she always had this glowing positivity about her. She was one of those genuinely nice people. More recently I’ve been following along her journey as she writes about food allergies and healthy living, and you wanna know what? She’s inspiring. She’s authentic in her words and actions. And this may sound kind of odd, but her vulnerability is soothing, like a salve to those wounds that the strive for perfection can make.
Ali is also kind enough to be the first person as part of the Friday Friend Feature, which aims to introduce you all to some pretty awesome people that I know. Here’s a glimpse into Ali:
BIO: I’m Ali, and I live in Indianapolis with my writer husband, Adam. I teach elementary special education, spending my days running around loving on kids with special needs, helping them improve their social and academic skills.
CRAFT: I am a writer who seeks to encourage and connect others with authenticity and bravery.

Ali with Gluten-Free Cupcakes she gave out at the Influence Conference in September
LOVES: I love healthy eating, coffee, sending snail mail, Gilmore Girls, authentic friendship, and deep conversations–I love hearing others’ stories.
LAUGHS: My husband is the funniest person in my world.
ALIWREN.COM: I write about healthy-minded eating (specifically recipes and tips for eating a whole and healthy life with food allergies) and whole-hearted living (living with your whole heart–just as you are, right where you are.)
GOALS: I hope that my honesty and authenticity inspire others to be more brave with their stories and grateful for the life they get to live.
CONNECT: I blog at aliwren.com. Instagram is my favorite place to hang out online. I can also be found on my Facebook page and Twitter. My newest e-book called #InstaEnvy is available in the Kindle Store.
A big thanks goes out to Ali for joining in the Friday Friend Feature, and I hope you check out her website and feel inspired by her just like me. Grab a mug of coffee while you peruse her recipes, get encouraged by her stories (and other friends’ stories) of the comparison trap, and soak in that authentic vulnerability that I so appreciate. Stay tuned for the next FFF that’ll be coming your way sometime in the near future!
Seeking out that vulnerability,